Friday, March 20, 2009

Drive By Photos

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Daily Photo: A Certain Synchronicity

Last daily photo must have been inspired by Monday's House, which featured a mysterious cat, I realize now.   Today's photos are  just some random shots... but some synchronicity I think.
In case you're wondering where...the Passaic Salvation Army is a great place to find funny stuff.. like miniature figurines or vintage Chianti Bottles.    

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Short Walk Reveals

 1. Vampires fangs hastily discarded by the side of the road as the Vampiresse of winter settles down for her long summer's nap.
 .....and other harbingers of spring everywhere: 

2. Buds:                   

3. Mud...

4. Walkers..

5. Silly Dogs..


       6. Runners with Silly Dogs..

7. Red on Brown